Priscilla Ryan Graham
Finding new possibilities through NeuroMovement®
& CranioSacral Therapy
Movement is the language of the brain. -Anat Baniel
Tap into movement.
Tap into the brain's ability to change and heal itself...
Do you want to....
Overcome pain and limitation
Discover new ways to rehabilitate after an injury
Maintain a vibrant mind and body at any age
Achieve new levels of performance
Discover new possibilities for your child with special needs
The secret something that is shared
by all effective healing methods, is the process of leading the patient to an honest and truthful self discovery.
-Dr. John Upledger
The Anat Baniel Method for NeuroMovment® (ABMNM®) is a holistic, scientific based hands-on therapy approach, that helps adults and children improve the quality of their lives, by tapping into the brain’s remarkable capacity to upgrade and change. NeuroMovment® uses this neuroplasticity to promote healing, rehabilitation, and development. It transforms lives by helping individuals move beyond pain and limitations.
Using movement to tap into the brain’s potential, children and adults discover new ways to improve their mind and body, enhancing their physical, cognitive, emotional, and creative performance.
Movement is life.
Life is a process.
Improve the quality of the process and improve the quality of life itself.
-Mosche Feldenkrais
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a hands on modality, that uses a gentle touch to help release restrictions and stress patterns deep in the body. The craniosacral system consists of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the central nervous system, the brain and spinal cord. CST helps free the central nervous system, releasing deeply held tensions in the body, so it can operate at it's best. It helps improve the health and performance of the whole body.
CranioSacral Therapy helps facilitate the body's natural and innate healing processes. It is increasingly used as a preventive health measure to bolster resistance to disease. CST can also lead to significant relief of pain and dysfunction in adults and children with a wide range of healthcare challenges.
Natural Pain Relief
Pain is often caused by ingrained habitual movement patterns. To eliminate pain, we must discover new ways to move. NeuroMovement® and the 9 Essentials provide individuals the opportunity to discover new possibilities of movement to reduce and eliminate pain.
Recovery & Rehab from Injury
NeuroMovment® shifts the focus from trying to fix the body, and trying to force it to do what it can’t to focusing on finding new possibilities for movement and recovery.
Wellness & Anti-Aging
NeuroMovement® lessons at any age can enhance vitality, health and wellness. As we age, changes occur in our mind and body. These lessons combined with the 9 Essentials help regain and maintain, movement, flexibility and thinking.
NeuroMovment® combined with the 9 Essentials creates conditions for any child to grow and improve their patterns of movement, thinking, emotions and even social interactions.
Athletes & Artists
NeuroMovement® lessons can help athletes and artists find easier paths for movement, to enhance their performance.
Neurological Challenges
NeuroMovement® provide the opportunity after a stroke or a diagnosis of a neurological disorder for new neural connections to be made. These connections can help improve movement, and cognition.
About Me
Priscilla is an Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® (ABMNM®) and CranioSacral Practitioner trained through the Upledger Institute. She is based in Nantucket, Massachusetts. Priscilla has completed all levels of ABMNM® specialty trainings and is certified to work with adults, children, children with special needs, high-performers, and in vitality and anti-aging. She offers individualized Functional Synthesis (FS) lessons for adults and children, group Transformational Movement Lessons (TMLs), and CranioSacral sessions to infants, children and adults.
She left her career in research on Human Rights and Civil Society when her oldest was born with Down syndrome in 2006. Priscilla is now the mother of 5 children, all of whom have benefited from NeuroMovement® and CranioSacral work, and the more holistic approach to parenting and life this journey has taken her and her family on.
Priscilla began her training to become an ABM® NeuroMovement® practitioner in 2012, and then began her studies of CranioSacral therapy. She initially opened her practice in Wilton, Connecticut, but now lives in Nantucket, where she currently practices.

Certifications and Education
Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® (ABMNM®) Practitioner Training
ABMNM® for Children Practitioner
ABMNM® for Vitality and Antiaging
ABMNM® for High Performers
ABMNM® Working with Children Thinking and Cognition
ABMNM® Online at Home Coaching Level A
Transitions Workshop with Suzi Marks
Feldenkrais Advanced Annual Training workshops with Francois Combeau.
CranioSacral (Upledger Institute)
CranioSacral Therapy 1 (CS1): Assessment of Central Nervous System and Fascia for Full Body Treatment Protocol
CranioSacral Therapy 2 (CS2): Moving Beyond the Dura for Assessing Acute and Chronic Conditions
CranioSacral Therapy: Somato Emotional Release 1 (SER1)
CranioSacral Therapy for Pediatrics (CSP1)
CranioSacral Therapy for Pediatrics 2 (CSP2)
CranioSacral Applications for Conception, Pregnancy and Birthing (CCPB)
CranioSacral Therapy and Working with Chronic Depletion
CranioSacral Therapy Unwinding Meridians (UMAC)
CranioSacral Applications for Concussion (CSTAC)
Emotional Protocol for Biomagnetism Pair Therapy
Columbia University, Masters in International Affairs (MIA), Human Rights and Economic Political Development, 2002.
University of Notre Dame, BA, in Political Science and English Literature, 1997.