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Moving from fixing to connecting

Do you have a child with developmental delays or learning differences?

Does your child have an attention or sensory difficulties?

Has your child been diagnosed with a genetic syndrome or cerebral palsy?

Is your infant or child recovering from a traumatic birth injury?

Would you like to maximize your child’s ability to learn?


NeuroMovement®, with the 9 Essentials builds on the child's strengths, focusing on their abilities not their limitation. Taping into the brain's remarkable ability, under the right conditions, to change and create new neural connections. The emphasis is on connecting with the child, which is a shift from the fixing paradigm. 


Harnessing this neuroplasticity, gentle movements are used to turn on the child's learning switch. The focus is on the child's abilities, not their limitations.  Shifting the paradigm from fixing to connecting, the child is met where they are. Working around the periphery of what is possible at that moment, enables the child to feel safe and push on the boundaries of what is possible. 

Who can benefit?

Children with....

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder


  • Brain trauma

  • Cerebral Palsy (CP)

  • Developmental Delays

  • Down syndrome

  • Genetic disorders

  • Hypertonia and hypotonia

  • Learning differences

  • Scoliosis

  • Sensory processing issues

  • Torticollis

  • …and typically developing children


ABM NeuroMovement® can also help typically developing children, or children with mild challenges. All children need optimal learning conditions while they grow. NeuroMovement® and the 9 Essentials can help create an optimal learning environment to enable your child to create successful movement, thinking and emotional patterns.

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What is a NeuroMovement® lesson like?


  • Lessons last 30-45 minutes.

  • Children wear comfortable clothes, and are lying on a massage like table, unless they are more comfortable in their caregivers laps.

  • Children are lead through a series of movements that focus on a particular function.

  • It is a gentle hands-on movement therapy, that meets the child where they are and provides a safe environment for learning.


Photos by Christoph Gumb at My Beautiful Plastic Brain

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For more information or to schedule a session, you can reach me here, or book online:

Priscilla Ryan Graham

ABM Neuromovement® Practitioner

CranioSacral Practitioner


130 Old South Road

Nantucket, MA



(203) 810-7230

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